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July 07, 2018


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Life IS too short not to have some treats. I hope they find their dream house, whether that one or another, and that it all works out in the end. I wish good things for you, too, my friend. <3


I don’t think you did anything wrong at all. I also waver on Henry with yikes I hope he is okay and I’d like to kick him in the shins. I think I remember hearing parts of Poughkeepsie were a little sketchy. That picture is beautiful though. I say go for the house. Have something that is your “own” Does Ryan have to find a job there or is all set? When do they move?
I have a horrible green thumb so I can never grow anything. Those flowers are beautiful.


I am just going to say that I agree with your mother.


It's not you :) Nope, we've never met and I've probably learned more about you in these blog posts than in all of the time we've not met. :) Do whatever YOU need to do to get past this. You are fortunate to be surrounded by people who love and care for you, maybe for now, that's enough. :)



I do let it all hang out in Blogland, don't I? As I told you, I'm more of Margaret Lite on Facebook. Part of the problem is that I don't know how to get past this, except time. I want to rush it, which doesn't work. Part of me never wants to date again, while the other part feels tempted to go immediately back into the on-line dating world. Yet I also worry that if this unexpected shock could happen, my judgment must be poor. I've lost confidence in myself.Thus, I have no clue what to do or how to move forward.

Marie K

Sounds like they should go for the house! I think you saw the warning signs, but wanted to love his whole person, which is admirable. You definitely have insight to people. Don't doubt yourself. You saw this much earlier...it's just very hard to deal with because of all the good times the two of you had. It felt right during the good times. When you feel ready, you will come across someone who is super special and right for you. You'll see. It will happen! :) Wallow for a bit, but not too long. You have so much to give the world and that new someone, whoever he turns out to be.


I agree with Marie—you did see the warning signs, from the very beginning, really. The frequency of his withdrawals was concerning. It was definitely a roller coaster. :o(

I just feel so bad that you're going through this.

I've never tried to grow a coleus outside. I guess I always thought they were inside plants, and I had several of them back in the '70s! They would thrive, and then they would die.


Sometimes we all just need to hear good things from our mothers. She is a wise woman!

Ally Bean

I'm jealous of your petunias. There I said it. As for your Henry romance, listen to your mother. She knows what's what.

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Book Club Reads

  • Krueger, William Kent: The River We Remember: A Novel

    Krueger, William Kent: The River We Remember: A Novel
    After "Ordinary Grace" and "This Tender Land" I was disappointed in this novel. The writing was repetitive although beautiful in spots. I couldn't bond with the characters, nor did I care about any of them. I found myself bored during a lot of the middle of the book. 3 1/2 stars. (****)

  • Groff, Lauren: The Vaster Wilds: A Novel

    Groff, Lauren: The Vaster Wilds: A Novel
    I could rate this between *** and ***** and have no idea how to describe the book or what to think of it. Gorgeous writing, no real story, a depth to it that may lead to an insightful discussion. It's another illustration of how brutal, powerless and tragic women's lives were in the past. (****)

  • Rutledge, Lynda: West with Giraffes: A Novel

    Rutledge, Lynda: West with Giraffes: A Novel
    The plusses were excellent and quirky characters and an atmospheric, although often depressing, setting and time period. I don't know that I'm that interested in giraffes or consider them mystical creatures though. (****)

  • See, Lisa: Lady Tan's Circle of Women: A Novel

    See, Lisa: Lady Tan's Circle of Women: A Novel
    I learned so much about China in the 1400s and specifically about the unusual female doctor that this book is based on. The cultural information was fascinating although the details about foot binding were gruesome. An enjoyable and well-written book. (****)

  • Gunty, Tess: The Rabbit Hutch: A novel

    Gunty, Tess: The Rabbit Hutch: A novel
    It won the National Book Award and sounds interesting, but it's (to me) not well-constructed and drags in many spots where there is too much description, too much dialogue or too much heavy philosophizing. I found the writing self-indulgent and pretentious with tortured metaphors and passages that even after re-reading I couldn't completely understand. I'm hoping it will provide a decent discussion at least! (**)

  • Verghese, Abraham: The Covenant of Water (Oprah's Book Club)

    Verghese, Abraham: The Covenant of Water (Oprah's Book Club)
    The positives were the immersion into the culture and history of India, the fascinating medical stories and the beautiful ending. What I didn't enjoy were the length of the saga (much too long and dragged at times) and the sometimes underdeveloped characters. The love stories also left me cold. (****)

  • McBride, James: The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store: A Novel

    McBride, James: The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store: A Novel
    Very well-written but a jumble at times and full of fascinating but overwhelming characters. The ending was unbelievably beautiful and took it up to 4 1/2 stars. (****)

  • Patchett, Ann: Tom Lake: A Reese's Book Club Pick

    Patchett, Ann: Tom Lake: A Reese's Book Club Pick
    Because of the lovely writing (typical Patchett) I rated this one higher than I would have normally. It's slooowwww.There is no action and no plot; most of the events take place in the past. I'm not sure how we'll talk about this at Book Club, so I'm hoping for excellent discussion questions! (****)

  • Napolitano, Ann: Hello Beautiful (Oprah's Book Club): A Novel

    Napolitano, Ann: Hello Beautiful (Oprah's Book Club): A Novel
    Although it wouldn't be everyone's style, I bonded strongly with this family saga and its complicated and endearing characters. I found it well-written (sometimes repetitive), and emotionally satisfying. It isn't plot driven and the family members are messy and confused at times, but overall, it was an excellent read. 4 1/2 stars (*****)

  • Brooks, Geraldine: Horse: A Novel (Random House Large Print)

    Brooks, Geraldine: Horse: A Novel (Random House Large Print)
    At the beginning I thought it would be a solid 5 star, but I didn't find the modern-day stories (especially the love angle) compelling. It often felt like a vehicle for sending messages about the dangers in the present, as well as the past, for black people in the U.S. (tragically true) The parts about the horse, horse racing circles, Jarret, and the pre- and post-Civil War era were absorbing and deserve 5 stars. (****)